Neil Sukalikar



Sr. Full-Stack Engineer | Expert in React, Redux, Angular, React-Native, Node.js, C#, .NET Core, Solidity, Next.js, Microservices, SQL, MongoDB, Docker, K8s, AWS | Crafting Innovative Solutions for a Connected World

Sr. Full-Stack Engineer

Full-Stack || React || Node || .netCore || AWS || Reactr-Native || MongoDB

  • Birthday: 23rd March 1990
  • Website:
  • Phone: +919699948214
  • City: Navi Mumbai, India
  • Age: 34
  • Degree: Bachelor in Computer Science
  • Email:
  • Full-Time: Available


React 90%
Angular 90%
VueJS 75%
NodeJS 80%
Solidity 80%
C# 80%
AWS 80%
MongoDB 85%
SQL 85%
NodeJS 85%
Blockchain 85%
.netCore 85%
Ionic 80%
React-Native 90%
GCP 75%
Docker 80%
Kubernetes 85%
NestJs 75%


Sr. Full-Stack Engineer | Expert in React, Redux, Angular, React-Native, Node.js, C#, .NET Core, Solidity, Next.js, Microservices, SQL, MongoDB, Docker, K8s, AWS | Crafting Innovative Solutions for a Connected World


Nilesh Sukalikar

Extensive experience in web and mobile development, with strong skills in JavaScript (ES5/ES6+), Node.js, Vue.js, Angular, Next.js, React, Redux, .netcore, C#, React-Native, Ionic, MongoDB, SQL, git, Azure, GCP, AWS, CI/CD etc.

  • Navi Mumbai, India
  • +919699948214


Bachelor of Computer Science

2008 - 2010

Mumbai University, India

Graduation in computer science from mumbai university specilized in programming and application development

Professional Experience

Sr. Full-Stack Engineer

2023 - Present

1fs Weath, UK

  • Expertly developing server-side logic and architecting APIs using Node, Next.js, mongo, meticulous crafting of high-performance, secure, and reliable backend micro-services is achieved, leading to a notable 30% improvement in backend service performance.
  • Demonstrating unparalleled skill in crafting dynamic and responsive UI using cutting-edge technologies such as React & Tailwind.

Full-Stack Lead

2022 - 2023

Lootmogul, USA

  • Engineered multiple Web, mobile app, and DeFi applications from inception, leveraging the capabilities of React.js, Node.js, ReactNative, Redux, Next.js, Typescipt, mongoDB , culminating in an impressive 30% surge in user engagement.
  • Architected a meticulous designs using Bootstrap, Material-UI, three.js, webGL, Strapi-CMS, node.js, .netCore employing crucial design patterns, resulting in a notable improvement in development efficiency and a substantial reduction in testing phase bugs.
  • Orchestrated deployment pipelines for successful application releases, optimizing the process using AWS, Docker, K8s, Jenkins, Kubernetes & redis-server. Achieved an impressive reduction in deployment time while minimizing production issues by 60%

Sr. Full-Stack Engineer

2021 - 2022

SixLeaf, USA

  • Successfully delivered web, mobile & chrome extension applications integrating Vue, Angular, Node, C#, .Net Core, React-Native, ReactJS, Next.js, Redux, SQL, mongoDB, Azure, yielding a client satisfaction rate and an impressive 50% boost in user adoption.
  • Led testing, debugging, and error resolution efforts with a notable 60% bug resolution rate.


  • All
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Blockchain


I have had the fortune of working with Nilesh for the past several years and honestly for any team seeking a proactive and technically exceptional candidate with a go-getter attitude is exactly what Nilesh brings to the team. Nilesh embodies continuous improvement and strives towards best in class delivery no matter what.

Himanshu Jain

Sr.FullStack Software Engineer

Nilesh is a good resource and a master at Full-Stack programming. He makes sure all the deadlines meet and that also with the highest standards. He is a hardworking and dedicated person who will complete tasks in a given time frame. He also manages sprint related tasks and follow-up with the team and provides overall updates to the manager.


Test Lead

Nilesh has been consistently delivering at very high quality on two groundbreaking technology platforms we have been working on together. He is a strong leader with deep hands-on knowledge and experience running complex projects and solutions like mobile apps, Angular frontends, C# backends with sophisticated data layers and availability requirement.

Vitaly Nachev




Ulwe,Navi Mumbai, 410206



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